Sugar free pistachio flapjacks
As promised, here is the recipe for the sugar free pistachio flapjacks which were served at the last LHS yoga retreat. Ingredients: 100g...

September yoga retreat
Sunday 10th September bump and I ran another Lotus Health Space Yoga Retreat back at the popular and stunning location of The Ware...

September Yoga Retreat
"Yoga can help create a perfect feeling of wellbeing, and when the body feels good and energetic, it stimulates the body to prevent and...

Zesty nut balls
As promised, here is the recipe for the "zesty nut balls" served on the last LHS yin yang yoga retreat. This raw, gluten and dairy free...

Yin Yang Yoga Retreat
Sunday 25th June we ran our 2nd Lotus Health Space Yoga Retreat at the stunning location of The Priory, Ware, Hertfordshire. The yoga...

Smell the coffee
This simple mindfulness/ meditative technique will help to keep you totally present and calm by showing you how to appreciate small everyday

Find balance with Yin Yoga
Friday night I was privileged enough to teach two yin yoga classes at The Secret Space, Hertford. In both classes we worked on the Heart/...

Yin Yang Yoga Retreat SUN 25th JUNE
"There is a yin and yang to everything in the universe. They are like two sides to the same coin, one cannot exist without the other and...

No bake vegan chocolate tart
Today I made this delicious chocolate tart for some friends. It's so easy to make and is a clean superfood dessert, which is perfect for...

Delicious chocolate & goji berry bars!
On Sunday 12th March we held our first yoga retreat and I am proud to say it was a great success! The sell-out day consisted of two yoga...