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Online Yoga


Pre-recorded classes to practice whenever suits you

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When renting a class you are responsible for your own body and health.
Lotus Health Space cannot be held accountable for any injuries.
If you are pregnant we recommend you practice pregnancy yoga classes.
If you have any concerns regarding your physical health, please consult with a doctor before renting a class.


FREE Taster Slow Flow Yoga Class (open level, full body flow)

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Enjoy this free taster slow flow yoga class so you can get a feel for Abbie's style of teaching before purchasing access to The Lotus Library. This class is open level and will build strength, improve flexibility and make you feel good! Please note: This class is not suitable to pregnant women. If you have any injuries you are concerned about, please consult with a medical professional before practising this class.

Flow Yoga

Sun Salutations, Online Yoga Class, online yoga, Yoga, grounded, mobility, stretch, wellbeing, mental health, stability, Flow yoga, flexibility, strength, Online Yoga, online, energise, health, yoga class, yoga

FREE Taster Slow Flow Yoga Class (open level, full body flow)

SLOW FLOW - FREE Taster Class

Read more Join this free taster slow flow class to explore Abbie's style of teaching before you buy access to The Lotus Library. This is a general, open level class which includes seated and standing poses to build strength, improve flexibility and make you feel good! This class is not suitable for pregnant women. If you are concerned about any injuries you have, please consult with a medical professional before practising this class. You are in control of your own health, so please go at your own speed and always listen to your body. Enjoy!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Sun Salutations, Yoga, energise, flexibility, grounded, health, mental health, mobility, online, online yoga, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class


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Be guided through beautiful flows synchronising breath and movement. Enjoy gentle and stronger flows, we have it all covered!

FLow Yoga, Flow Yoga, Online Yoga, Yoga, Qigong

Sun Salutations, heart, yoga subscription, Yoga, mobility, energy, anahata chakra, stability, Earth element, flexibility, muladhara chakra, yoga nidra, chakras, meditation, mental health, strength, yoga, meridians, grounded, stretch, vinyasa flow, emotions, Flow yoga, health, Online Yoga, online meditation, qigong, online yoga, joint health, spinal health, shoulders, Chinese Medicine, online, root chakra, morning yoga, energise, sleep well, Online Yoga Class, spine, wellbeing, yoga class, morning, water element, manipura chakra, release, balance, hips



Read more Join this shorter class which interweaves yoga and qigong to bring you an integration of forms and poses to help with balance, strength and suppleness. This class is best practised during the morning or day. Leave feeling energised and alive, yet calm and grounded.

Flow Yoga, Qigong, Yoga

Chinese Medicine, Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, energise, energy, flexibility, grounded, joint health, mental health, online, qigong, release, spinal health, stability, stretch, strength, wellbeing, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Energy Boost

Read more This class is perfect if you have limited time. Flow through poses to help build strength and improve flexibility. Ideal time to practise this class is in the morning or lunch time to boost your energy.

Flow Yoga, Online Yoga, Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, energy, flexibility, grounded, mobility, morning, morning yoga, online yoga, release, strength, stretch, vinyasa flow, wellbeing, yoga class, yoga subscription


Read more Looking through the lens of Chinese Medicine to bring you an infusion of qigong and yoga to support the heart. Physically targeting the chest, shoulders and upper back. Find grace and poise even in poses which feel a bit more fiery! Enjoy.

Flow Yoga, Qigong

Chinese Medicine, Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Sun Salutations, Yoga, balance, emotions, energise, energy, flexibility, health, heart, joint health, meditation, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, qigong, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

VINYASA - Let's Flow

Read more This short vinyasa flow class has minimal instruction to allow you to truly find your flow. This class is suited to those students who have a regular practice and are familiar with safe alignment for their own body. This class is not suited to beginners. Feel energised and alive!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Sun Salutations, Yoga, energise, mobility, online, online yoga, stretch, wellbeing

SHORT & SWEET - Hips, Legs, Glutes

Read more Join this shorter class which targets hips, legs and glutes. The perfect class if you don't have much time. Enjoy!


Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Around The Mat

Read more Join this shorter flow class and move around the mat to feel energised, strong and well stretched! This class works into the hips and is predominantly standing.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Twists & Turns

Read more Join this shorter flow class and enjoy lots of twists and turns to feel energised, and full of life! The perfect class when you don't have much time, but want to get flowing.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, energy, flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, strength, vinyasa flow, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Finding Balance

Read more Join this shorter flow class and play with the balance of steadiness and ease, or sthira and sukha. Create strong foundations to support a feeling of lightness and ease in standing balance poses.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, health, grounded, mobility, online, online yoga, release, strength, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription


Read more This short flow class is the perfect way to start your day, or to give you that pick me up in the afternoon. This class is not for beginners, some experience of yoga is advised. Feel awake and alive!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, vinyasa flow, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, energy, morning yoga, morning, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga class, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Slow & Meditative

Read more Explore meditation in movement through a slow and mindful flow. Enjoy a beautiful marriage of breath and movement to create a calm and relaxed state of being.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, health, meditation, mental health, mobility, online, online meditation, online yoga, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Slow, Steady, Focused

Read more Join this slow and mindful flow class to help create a sense of focus through balance poses and the use of "drishti". Slow definitely doesn't mean easy! Leave this class feeling focused, strong and calm.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, flexibility, grounded, mental health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

VERY SLOW FLOW - Strong & Stretchy

Read more Join this very slow flow to build strength, improve balance and flexibility. This very slow class will allow you time to mindfully move into each pose. Slow does definitely not mean easy!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, balance, flexibility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

SLOW FLOW - To Support Joint Health

Read more Join this slow flow class which incorporates qigong to support joint health.

Flow Yoga, Online Yoga, Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, health, joint health, mobility, online, wellbeing, yoga class

SLOW FLOW - To Support Anahata Chakra

Read more Enjoy a slow flow to support the 4th chakra - anahata chakra, the centre of love and compassion. This class will help to create a peaceful environment for the heart to thrive. Physically opening the chest, shoulders and upper back, while energetically helping to create a radiant sense of wholeness.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, yoga, chakras, anahata chakra, heart

SLOW FLOW - To Support Manipura Chakra

Read more Join this fiery flow yoga class to support the 3rd chakra - manipura. This class is all about transformation, inner strength, dynamic energy and power as you'll twist and turn your way through a carefully sequenced class. Leave feeling empowered!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, chakras, energise, energy, flexibility, health, online, online yoga, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, manipura chakra

SLOW FLOW - To Support Svadhisthana Chakra

Read more Find your flow with this watery flow yoga class. This class supports the second chakra - Svadhisthana, by incorporating soft and gentle flows with options to tap into your inner strength and power. Leave feeling nurtured and calm, yet powerful & strong..

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, flexibility, health, hips, meditation, online yoga, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, water element, chakras

SLOW FLOW - To Support Muladhara Chakra

Read more A slow flow yoga class to support the first chakra, commonly known as The Root. This practice focuses on creating strong foundations to feel grounded so you can rise up and grow without losing the sense of connection to Earth and self.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, balance, chakras, energy, health, muladhara chakra, online yoga, root chakra, stability, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, grounded

SLOW FLOW - I Feel Centred

Read more Amidst constant change and fear of the unknown there is great healing in coming back to centre. This slow flow yoga class interweaves elements from qigong to help you find balance and a sense of grounding. This class focuses on always returning to centre; a place where inner strength resides, a safe and comforting place to call home.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, balance, flexibility, grounded, health, mental health, online yoga, qigong, strength, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, Earth element

FLOW YOGA - Short, Strong & Sweaty

Read more A stronger flow to leave you feeling energised and strong. Practice this class in the morning or early afternoon. This class is not suited to beginners, some experience of yoga is required.

FLow Yoga

Flow yoga, yoga, energise, energy, health, morning yoga, online yoga, stability, strength, wellbeing, yoga class

FLOW YOGA - Happy Hips

Read more Maintaining flexibility and stability in the hip joints is vital for lower back health. It also helps to create an overall sense of ease and freedom in your entire body. Leave this class feeling free and light, yet strong and steady.

Flow yoga, balance, flexibility, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, hips

FLOW YOGA - Shoulder Stability & Flexibility

Read more Join this flow yoga class to help create a sense of ease in the shoulders, chest, upper back and neck, as well as stability and strength.

Flow yoga, flexibility, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, shoulders

FLOW YOGA - A Healthy Spine

Read more The health of your spine will literally affect your overall health and wellbeing. Join this flow yoga class to increase mobility and strength. Leave feeling strong, yet free and spacious.

Flow yoga, flexibility, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, spine, spinal health


Read more Enjoy a good night's sleep after this gentle yoga sequence followed by a relaxing yoga nidra (guided meditation). Get your pjs on, grab a blanket and get ready to relax!

Flow yoga, online yoga, release, stretch, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, yoga nidra, sleep well

ENERGISING FLOW - Full Body & Playful

Read more This playful and fun flow will work the full body to create strength, stability, space and balance. This is the perfect class to start your day. Some experience of flow yoga recommended.

Flow yoga, yoga, yoga class, online yoga, strength, stability, flexibility, balance, yoga subscription

ENERGISING FLOW - For busy people

Read more This short class is perfect to start your day or to give you a boost of energy in the afternoon. Some flow yoga experience is recommended. Ditch the coffee and join this class!

Flow yoga, flexibility, stability, strength, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, online yoga, morning yoga, energise


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A still and peaceful practise with long holds and relaxed efforts allowing the connective tissue around the joints to be safely stretched. Yin yoga targets specific meridian lines/energy channels in the body to help harmonise the flow of chi. Chi is often described as our vital essence, or our energy, which link spirit, mind and body.

yin yoga

heart, yoga subscription, Yoga, mobility, joint health, yin yoga, Earth element, yoga class, muladhara chakra, chakras, meditation, mental health, yoga, meridians, stretch, emotions, acupressure, online yoga, online, health, energy, spinal health, Chinese Medicine, root chakra, morning yoga, energise, sleep well, Online Yoga Class, spine, wellbeing, flexibility, immunity, Online Yoga, release, balance, hips


YIN YOGA - Deer Pose

Read more This yin yoga class focuses on deer pose and the many variations. Feel release around your hips, thighs and low back.

yin yoga

Online Yoga, Yoga, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - Hands & Feet

Read more This yin yoga class targets the hands and feet before diving into 3 classic yin yoga poses to release the back line, chest and shoulders and spine.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, Online Yoga, Yoga, flexibility, health, joint health, meditation, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga

YIN - Smooth Transitions

Read more This class supports the Earth element by targeting the stomach and spleen organs and energy pathways. When Earth element is in balance it helps to create smooth transitions. We also feel nurtured, nourished, calm with healthy digestion. Physically this class targets opening and compressing through the front line of the body.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, Earth element, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, meditation, mental health, meridians, mobility, sleep well, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN - The Yin Lines

Read more Join this yin yoga class to support health for the "yin" organs and corresponding energy pathways. Physically opening the front line, inner legs and groin, chest and arms. Tap into the yin essence within!

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, Online Yoga, energy, joint health, mental health, meridians, online, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN - All About The Hips

Read more Join this juicy yin class which focuses on the hips.

yin yoga

yin yoga, hips, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, joint health, meditation, mobility, online, release, stretch, wellbeing, yoga class

YIN YOGA - Short & Sweet

Read more Join this simple and shorter yin class with only 3 poses. Be guided into each shape and then enjoy space to listen to the accompanying playlist, your own music, or bath in silence. The perfect class if you have limited time but still need your yin fix!

yin yoga

Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class

YIN YOGA - Twists & Turns

Read more Join this yin yoga class which is packed with twists and turns to support spinal health. This class will also help to harmonise the flow of qi and support health for all major meridian lines and corresponding organs.

yin yoga

Yoga, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, online yoga, release, spinal health, spine, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - A New Beginning

Read more This yin yoga class focuses on the Wood element and rising yang relating to the spring season. This class focuses on creating strong and stable foundations before being able to rise, grow and expand. Physically you will work into the inner legs, groin and outer seas to nourish the liver and gall bladder organs and meridian lines. Practice this class in spring time, or anytime you feel a calling to expand, grow and start a new beginning!

yin yoga, Yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Chinese Medicine, flexibility, health, joint health, meridians, mental health, mobility, online, release, stretch, wellbeing

WALL YIN - Release & Relax

Read more Join this 1 hour wall yin class to feel release, relaxed and revitalised.

yin yoga

yin yoga, Chinese Medicine, stretch, release, yoga, online, joint health, mental health, mobility, online yoga

YIN YOGA - To support low back health

Read more Join this yin yoga class to target the low back. Low back pain is extremely common and in this class you will explore different poses and modifications to help feel freedom and space in the low back.

yin yoga

flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, spine, stretch, yin yoga, yoga subscription

ACU YIN YOGA - Face your Fear

Read more Incorporating acupressure and yin yoga to help face your fears with confidence. Fear is a natural response, but if we allow fear to take over it can lead to overwhelm for body/mind. Join this yin class with a restorative feeling if you're in need of nourishment and also to help you create a sense of courage and ability to face whatever life offers your next.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, acupressure, balance, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, online yoga, release, stretch, spinal health, yoga class, yin yoga, wellbeing, yoga subscription

ACU YIN YOGA - To Support Mood Swings

Read more Integrating acupressure and yin yoga to help balance mood swings. This beautifully calming class has a restorative nature helping to soothe body-mind-spirit.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, emotions, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga subscription, acupressure

YIN YOGA - Feel Awake & Alive

Read more Have you ever tried yin yoga in the morning or midday? This class offers a wonderful opportunity to experience a yin yoga practice specifically designed to awaken and enliven the body while creating a calm and peaceful mind. Experience Four Part Taoist Breathing and some poses which require a little more effort. Feel alive and ready for the day!

yin yoga

balance, energise, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meditation, morning yoga, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - I am Grounded, Safe & Connected

Read more A yin yoga practice to support the first chakra, Muladhara, also known as The Root. Leave feeling grounded, safe and at home in your own body.

yin yoga

energy, flexibility, joint health, meditation, mental health, online yoga, release, sleep well, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, chakras, muladhara chakra, root chakra

YIN YOGA - Restore and Renew

Read more A yin yoga practice to restore, rejuvenate and relax you. Targeting the major meridian lines (energy pathways) in the body and moving the spine through all 6 movement patterns. This class is sealed with a beautifully calming guided meditation.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, energy, flexibility, health, meditation, meridians, release, sleep well, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - Immunity Boost

Read more Leaving behind the expansive energy of summer and the Earth energy of late summer to slowly shift focus to the metal element; The time of rising yin, appreciation, inspiration and letting go. Physically focusing on the upper body, while energetically focusing on the meridians of lungs & large intestine to build immunity. Practice this class at any time of year for an immunity boost and to have the courage to meet the ever flowing ups and downs in life with love & acceptance.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, sleep well, stretch, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, immunity, health, wellbeing

YIN YOGA - A Calm & Tranquil Heart

Read more A yin yoga class to create a tranquil environment for the Heart to feel nourished. Physically targeting the upper body including opening the chest and shoulders. Loosen the grip, soften your heart and feel peacefully calm.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, sleep well, stretch, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, heart

YIN YOGA - Balancing Emotions

Read more A practice to support the Wood element, targeting the Liver & Gallbladder meridian lines (energy pathways). Physically targeting the inner legs and side body, particularly hips. Create an easy going inner environment and be ready for whatever life has to offer you next.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, stretch, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, emotions

YIN YOGA - Feel Centred & Connected

Read more A practice to support the Earth element. Physically targeting the front lines of the body, while energetically creating a sense of stability and feeling centred.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, yin yoga, stretch, yoga, yoga subscription, yoga class

WALL YIN - Short & Sweet

Read more Enjoy this short wall yin yoga sequence which is ideal to prepare you for a good night's sleep.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, stretch, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - Reset & Recharge

Read more A practice supporting the Water element. Physically targeting the back and inner legs. Restore your vital energy and feel full of potential.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, yin yoga, yoga, stretch, release, yoga subscription


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Step into meditation with these simple guides. Simply take a seat or lie down, listen and be.

Meditation, Qigong

mental health, sleep well, morning meditation, online, wellbeing, emotions, health, online meditation, qigong, meditation


MEDITATION - Dissolve Fear

Read more Fear can manifest in many ways; sometimes it can show up as a vague feeling of unease, while other times it can be consuming and place limitations on your life. This meditation uses visualisation to help dissolve any fear. Complete the meditation feeling calm and realxed.

Meditation, Qigong

emotions, meditation, mental health, online, online meditation, qigong, sleep well, wellbeing

MEDITATION - Qigong Gem Polishing

Read more Join this meditation class which will support the health of all of your yin organs. Leave feeling revitalised yet calm and relaxed.

Meditation, Qigong

meditation, mental health, online, online meditation, qigong, sleep well

MEDITATION - Healing The Emotions

Read more Join this qigong meditation to create a balanced inner environment. Practice at any time of the day and leave feeling calm and relaxed.


emotions, health, mental health, meditation, online meditation, online, wellbeing

MEDITATION - The Healing Light

Read more If you have been burning the candle at both ends and feel a bit run down, this guided meditation will give you a moments respite. Leave feeling relaxed, calm and tranquil.


health, meditation, mental health, online meditation, sleep well, wellbeing


Read more Join this beautiful meditation class to feel relaxed, grounded and settled.


health, meditation, mental health, sleep well, wellbeing, online meditation

MEDITATION - Start the Day Right

Read more Start your day the right way with this class to guide you through some gentle movement and a meditation to set you up for the day ahead.

health, meditation, mental health, wellbeing, morning meditation


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Qigong is one of the 5 pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Qi can be translated as vital life force while gong means to cultivate or work. Therefore qigong is a form of energy cultivation which includes forms (movement), visualisation, meditation and breath work to harmonise the flow of qi. Qigong helps to restore balance in body-mind-spirit, as well as aids lubrication of joints, builds strength and stability. Enjoy these qigong classes suitable to all levels.


mental health, Chinese Medicine, meridians, mobility, joint health, qigong, wellbeing, shoulders, morning, standing meditation, energise, health, online, release, tapping, meditation, balance, ritual, energy, spinal health, sleep well


QIGONG - Night Class

Read more This night time qigong class is designed to help you release any stress or tension built up throughout the day. Feel freedom in your body and calm in your mind, setting you up for a good night's sleep.


Chinese Medicine, health, joint health, meditation, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, qigong, release, sleep well, spinal health, wellbeing

QIGONG - Feel Calm

Read more If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, this class will help you find your flow and feel calm. Enjoy a simple breathing technique, a gentle warm up, a beautiful flowing form and a guided meditation to settle your mood and energy.


Chinese Medicine, energy, joint health, meditation, mental health, mobility, online, qigong, release, spinal health, wellbeing, standing meditation

QIGONG - Regulate Energy

Read more This qigong sequence includes visualisation, breath infused slow flows and moving meditations to help regulate energy. Leave feeling revitalised, yet calm.


Chinese Medicine, energise, energy, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, qigong, release, shoulders, tapping, wellbeing

QIGONG - To Support Healthy Joints

Read more Join this qigong class to support joint health. Be guided through specific forms to help hydrate, create a sense of space and alleviate stiffness in the joints. Why not try "meditation - healing the emotions" after this class?


Chinese Medicine, energy, health, joint health, meridians, online, qigong, wellbeing

QIGONG - Tapping & Shaking

Read more A qigong practice perfect to start your day. This practice includes meridian tapping & brushing followed by shaking to help stimulate qi flow and activate the lymphatic system which helps to clear toxins.


qigong, tapping, meridians, Chinese Medicine, health, energy

QIGONG - Joint Release & Standing Meditation

Read more A short qigong practice suitable for any time of the day and any level. Includes joint release and standing meditation.

qigong, health, joint health, meditation, standing meditation, balance, mental health

QIGONG - Morning ritual

Read more This is a 5 minute way to start your day. This is my own personal morning ritual which helps to energise, focus the mind and prepare you for a good day.


qigong, tapping, meridians, Chinese Medicine, morning, ritual


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These classes are great if you are time poor but need a release in a specific area.

yoga, Yoga, Qigong

yoga subscription, Yoga, mobility, energy, stability, yoga class, strength, yoga, stretch, online yoga, qigong, health, joint health, spinal health, shoulders, online, energise, Online Yoga Class, spine, wellbeing, flexibility, Online Yoga, release, hips


SHORT & SWEET - Hips, Legs, Glutes

Read more Join this shorter class which targets hips, legs and glutes. The perfect class if you don't have much time. Enjoy!


Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

SHORT & SWEET - A Healthy Spine

Read more Join this short class to feel freedom and ease in your spine. If you have woken up feeling a bit stiff, or have been sitting a lot, this class is for you. Perfect if you don't have much time. Enjoy!

Yoga, Qigong

Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, mobility, online, qigong, release, spine, spinal health, stretch, wellbeing, yoga subscription


Read more This class is perfect if you don't have much time and are feeling tight around the hips. Be guided through a short sequence of poses to feel instant release and ease around your hips.


yoga, hips, release, stretch, flexibility


Read more This class is perfect if you don't have much time and are feeling tight around the neck, shoulders, chest and upper back. Be guided through a short sequence of poses to feel instant release and ease in the upper body.


yoga, release, shoulders, mobility, flexibility, online, online yoga


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Learn specific poses, safe warm ups and different modifications. Or breakdown a commonly used sun salutation so you know the different options you can take when practicing. These tutorials offer a great way to dive deeper into your practice.

Sun Salutations, Yoga, yoga, Tutorial, Online Yoga

Sun Salutations, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, Tutorial, Online Yoga, crow pose, bakasana, yoga, tutorial


TUTORIAL - Crow Pose

Read more Join this tutorial to learn how to practice crow pose/bakasana. Learn an appropriate warm up as well as different modifications to help you practice in a safe way.


yoga, tutorial, crow pose, bakasana

TUTORIAL - Surya Namaskar A

Read more Join this tutorial which breaks down Surya Namaskar A, a classic sun salutation taught in most flow, vinyasa and hatha yoga classes. There are many variations of a sun salutation, so join this tutorial to get a better understanding of each pose. Learn how to work with your body and build your practice safely.

Yoga, Sun Salutations, Tutorial, Online Yoga

Yoga, Sun Salutations, Tutorial, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class

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Sun Salutations, Yoga, FLow Yoga, yin yoga, Flow Yoga, Online Yoga, Qigong, yoga, Meditation, Tutorial

Sun Salutations, heart, yoga subscription, Yoga, mobility, joint health, standing meditation, anahata chakra, yin yoga, Earth element, yoga class, muladhara chakra, yoga nidra, chakras, meditation, tutorial, mental health, strength, yoga, meridians, grounded, stretch, vinyasa flow, emotions, acupressure, Flow yoga, online yoga, online meditation, qigong, health, energy, spinal health, crow pose, shoulders, Chinese Medicine, immunity, morning meditation, online, root chakra, morning yoga, energise, bakasana, sleep well, stability, Online Yoga Class, spine, ritual, wellbeing, flexibility, morning, water element, manipura chakra, Tutorial, Online Yoga, release, tapping, balance, hips

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QIGONG - Lung Health & Breath

Read more

YIN YOGA - Deer Pose

Read more This yin yoga class focuses on deer pose and the many variations. Feel release around your hips, thighs and low back.

yin yoga

Online Yoga, Yoga, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

QIGONG - Night Class

Read more This night time qigong class is designed to help you release any stress or tension built up throughout the day. Feel freedom in your body and calm in your mind, setting you up for a good night's sleep.


Chinese Medicine, health, joint health, meditation, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, qigong, release, sleep well, spinal health, wellbeing

YIN YOGA - Hands & Feet

Read more This yin yoga class targets the hands and feet before diving into 3 classic yin yoga poses to release the back line, chest and shoulders and spine.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, Online Yoga, Yoga, flexibility, health, joint health, meditation, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga

FLOW YOGA - Energy Boost

Read more This class is perfect if you have limited time. Flow through poses to help build strength and improve flexibility. Ideal time to practise this class is in the morning or lunch time to boost your energy.

Flow Yoga, Online Yoga, Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, energy, flexibility, grounded, mobility, morning, morning yoga, online yoga, release, strength, stretch, vinyasa flow, wellbeing, yoga class, yoga subscription


Read more Join this shorter class which interweaves yoga and qigong to bring you an integration of forms and poses to help with balance, strength and suppleness. This class is best practised during the morning or day. Leave feeling energised and alive, yet calm and grounded.

Flow Yoga, Qigong, Yoga

Chinese Medicine, Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, energise, energy, flexibility, grounded, joint health, mental health, online, qigong, release, spinal health, stability, stretch, strength, wellbeing, yoga subscription


Read more Looking through the lens of Chinese Medicine to bring you an infusion of qigong and yoga to support the heart. Physically targeting the chest, shoulders and upper back. Find grace and poise even in poses which feel a bit more fiery! Enjoy.

Flow Yoga, Qigong

Chinese Medicine, Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Sun Salutations, Yoga, balance, emotions, energise, energy, flexibility, health, heart, joint health, meditation, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, qigong, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

VINYASA - Let's Flow

Read more This short vinyasa flow class has minimal instruction to allow you to truly find your flow. This class is suited to those students who have a regular practice and are familiar with safe alignment for their own body. This class is not suited to beginners. Feel energised and alive!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Sun Salutations, Yoga, energise, mobility, online, online yoga, stretch, wellbeing

YIN - Smooth Transitions

Read more This class supports the Earth element by targeting the stomach and spleen organs and energy pathways. When Earth element is in balance it helps to create smooth transitions. We also feel nurtured, nourished, calm with healthy digestion. Physically this class targets opening and compressing through the front line of the body.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, Earth element, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, meditation, mental health, meridians, mobility, sleep well, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

MEDITATION - Dissolve Fear

Read more Fear can manifest in many ways; sometimes it can show up as a vague feeling of unease, while other times it can be consuming and place limitations on your life. This meditation uses visualisation to help dissolve any fear. Complete the meditation feeling calm and realxed.

Meditation, Qigong

emotions, meditation, mental health, online, online meditation, qigong, sleep well, wellbeing

QIGONG - Feel Calm

Read more If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, this class will help you find your flow and feel calm. Enjoy a simple breathing technique, a gentle warm up, a beautiful flowing form and a guided meditation to settle your mood and energy.


Chinese Medicine, energy, joint health, meditation, mental health, mobility, online, qigong, release, spinal health, wellbeing, standing meditation

MEDITATION - Qigong Gem Polishing

Read more Join this meditation class which will support the health of all of your yin organs. Leave feeling revitalised yet calm and relaxed.

Meditation, Qigong

meditation, mental health, online, online meditation, qigong, sleep well

SHORT & SWEET - A Healthy Spine

Read more Join this short class to feel freedom and ease in your spine. If you have woken up feeling a bit stiff, or have been sitting a lot, this class is for you. Perfect if you don't have much time. Enjoy!

Yoga, Qigong

Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, mobility, online, qigong, release, spine, spinal health, stretch, wellbeing, yoga subscription

SHORT & SWEET - Hips, Legs, Glutes

Read more Join this shorter class which targets hips, legs and glutes. The perfect class if you don't have much time. Enjoy!


Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN - The Yin Lines

Read more Join this yin yoga class to support health for the "yin" organs and corresponding energy pathways. Physically opening the front line, inner legs and groin, chest and arms. Tap into the yin essence within!

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, Online Yoga, energy, joint health, mental health, meridians, online, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN - All About The Hips

Read more Join this juicy yin class which focuses on the hips.

yin yoga

yin yoga, hips, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, joint health, meditation, mobility, online, release, stretch, wellbeing, yoga class

SLOW FLOW - FREE Taster Class

Read more Join this free taster slow flow class to explore Abbie's style of teaching before you buy access to The Lotus Library. This is a general, open level class which includes seated and standing poses to build strength, improve flexibility and make you feel good! This class is not suitable for pregnant women. If you are concerned about any injuries you have, please consult with a medical professional before practising this class. You are in control of your own health, so please go at your own speed and always listen to your body. Enjoy!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Sun Salutations, Yoga, energise, flexibility, grounded, health, mental health, mobility, online, online yoga, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class

FLOW YOGA - Around The Mat

Read more Join this shorter flow class and move around the mat to feel energised, strong and well stretched! This class works into the hips and is predominantly standing.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Twists & Turns

Read more Join this shorter flow class and enjoy lots of twists and turns to feel energised, and full of life! The perfect class when you don't have much time, but want to get flowing.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, energy, flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, strength, vinyasa flow, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Finding Balance

Read more Join this shorter flow class and play with the balance of steadiness and ease, or sthira and sukha. Create strong foundations to support a feeling of lightness and ease in standing balance poses.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, health, grounded, mobility, online, online yoga, release, strength, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

QIGONG - Regulate Energy

Read more This qigong sequence includes visualisation, breath infused slow flows and moving meditations to help regulate energy. Leave feeling revitalised, yet calm.


Chinese Medicine, energise, energy, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, qigong, release, shoulders, tapping, wellbeing


Read more This short flow class is the perfect way to start your day, or to give you that pick me up in the afternoon. This class is not for beginners, some experience of yoga is advised. Feel awake and alive!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, vinyasa flow, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, energise, energy, morning yoga, morning, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga class, yoga subscription

FLOW YOGA - Slow & Meditative

Read more Explore meditation in movement through a slow and mindful flow. Enjoy a beautiful marriage of breath and movement to create a calm and relaxed state of being.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, health, meditation, mental health, mobility, online, online meditation, online yoga, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - Short & Sweet

Read more Join this simple and shorter yin class with only 3 poses. Be guided into each shape and then enjoy space to listen to the accompanying playlist, your own music, or bath in silence. The perfect class if you have limited time but still need your yin fix!

yin yoga

Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class

YIN YOGA - Twists & Turns

Read more Join this yin yoga class which is packed with twists and turns to support spinal health. This class will also help to harmonise the flow of qi and support health for all major meridian lines and corresponding organs.

yin yoga

Yoga, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, mobility, online, online yoga, release, spinal health, spine, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

MEDITATION - Healing The Emotions

Read more Join this qigong meditation to create a balanced inner environment. Practice at any time of the day and leave feeling calm and relaxed.


emotions, health, mental health, meditation, online meditation, online, wellbeing

FLOW YOGA - Slow, Steady, Focused

Read more Join this slow and mindful flow class to help create a sense of focus through balance poses and the use of "drishti". Slow definitely doesn't mean easy! Leave this class feeling focused, strong and calm.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, flexibility, grounded, mental health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

QIGONG - To Support Healthy Joints

Read more Join this qigong class to support joint health. Be guided through specific forms to help hydrate, create a sense of space and alleviate stiffness in the joints. Why not try "meditation - healing the emotions" after this class?


Chinese Medicine, energy, health, joint health, meridians, online, qigong, wellbeing

SLOW FLOW - To Support Manipura Chakra

Read more Join this fiery flow yoga class to support the 3rd chakra - manipura. This class is all about transformation, inner strength, dynamic energy and power as you'll twist and turn your way through a carefully sequenced class. Leave feeling empowered!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, balance, chakras, energise, energy, flexibility, health, online, online yoga, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, manipura chakra

YIN YOGA - A New Beginning

Read more This yin yoga class focuses on the Wood element and rising yang relating to the spring season. This class focuses on creating strong and stable foundations before being able to rise, grow and expand. Physically you will work into the inner legs, groin and outer seas to nourish the liver and gall bladder organs and meridian lines. Practice this class in spring time, or anytime you feel a calling to expand, grow and start a new beginning!

yin yoga, Yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Chinese Medicine, flexibility, health, joint health, meridians, mental health, mobility, online, release, stretch, wellbeing

SLOW FLOW - To Support Joint Health

Read more Join this slow flow class which incorporates qigong to support joint health.

Flow Yoga, Online Yoga, Yoga

Flow yoga, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class, Yoga, health, joint health, mobility, online, wellbeing, yoga class

TUTORIAL - Surya Namaskar A

Read more Join this tutorial which breaks down Surya Namaskar A, a classic sun salutation taught in most flow, vinyasa and hatha yoga classes. There are many variations of a sun salutation, so join this tutorial to get a better understanding of each pose. Learn how to work with your body and build your practice safely.

Yoga, Sun Salutations, Tutorial, Online Yoga

Yoga, Sun Salutations, Tutorial, Online Yoga, Online Yoga Class

TUTORIAL - Crow Pose

Read more Join this tutorial to learn how to practice crow pose/bakasana. Learn an appropriate warm up as well as different modifications to help you practice in a safe way.


yoga, tutorial, crow pose, bakasana


Read more This class is perfect if you don't have much time and are feeling tight around the hips. Be guided through a short sequence of poses to feel instant release and ease around your hips.


yoga, hips, release, stretch, flexibility


Read more This class is perfect if you don't have much time and are feeling tight around the neck, shoulders, chest and upper back. Be guided through a short sequence of poses to feel instant release and ease in the upper body.


yoga, release, shoulders, mobility, flexibility, online, online yoga

MEDITATION - The Healing Light

Read more If you have been burning the candle at both ends and feel a bit run down, this guided meditation will give you a moments respite. Leave feeling relaxed, calm and tranquil.


health, meditation, mental health, online meditation, sleep well, wellbeing


Read more Join this beautiful meditation class to feel relaxed, grounded and settled.


health, meditation, mental health, sleep well, wellbeing, online meditation

MEDITATION - Start the Day Right

Read more Start your day the right way with this class to guide you through some gentle movement and a meditation to set you up for the day ahead.

health, meditation, mental health, wellbeing, morning meditation

QIGONG - Morning ritual

Read more This is a 5 minute way to start your day. This is my own personal morning ritual which helps to energise, focus the mind and prepare you for a good day.


qigong, tapping, meridians, Chinese Medicine, morning, ritual

QIGONG - Tapping & Shaking

Read more A qigong practice perfect to start your day. This practice includes meridian tapping & brushing followed by shaking to help stimulate qi flow and activate the lymphatic system which helps to clear toxins.


qigong, tapping, meridians, Chinese Medicine, health, energy

QIGONG - Joint Release & Standing Meditation

Read more A short qigong practice suitable for any time of the day and any level. Includes joint release and standing meditation.

qigong, health, joint health, meditation, standing meditation, balance, mental health

VERY SLOW FLOW - Strong & Stretchy

Read more Join this very slow flow to build strength, improve balance and flexibility. This very slow class will allow you time to mindfully move into each pose. Slow does definitely not mean easy!

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, balance, flexibility, online, online yoga, release, stability, strength, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

SLOW FLOW - To Support Anahata Chakra

Read more Enjoy a slow flow to support the 4th chakra - anahata chakra, the centre of love and compassion. This class will help to create a peaceful environment for the heart to thrive. Physically opening the chest, shoulders and upper back, while energetically helping to create a radiant sense of wholeness.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, yoga, chakras, anahata chakra, heart

SLOW FLOW - To Support Svadhisthana Chakra

Read more Find your flow with this watery flow yoga class. This class supports the second chakra - Svadhisthana, by incorporating soft and gentle flows with options to tap into your inner strength and power. Leave feeling nurtured and calm, yet powerful & strong..

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, flexibility, health, hips, meditation, online yoga, strength, stretch, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, water element, chakras

SLOW FLOW - To Support Muladhara Chakra

Read more A slow flow yoga class to support the first chakra, commonly known as The Root. This practice focuses on creating strong foundations to feel grounded so you can rise up and grow without losing the sense of connection to Earth and self.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, balance, chakras, energy, health, muladhara chakra, online yoga, root chakra, stability, wellbeing, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, grounded

SLOW FLOW - I Feel Centred

Read more Amidst constant change and fear of the unknown there is great healing in coming back to centre. This slow flow yoga class interweaves elements from qigong to help you find balance and a sense of grounding. This class focuses on always returning to centre; a place where inner strength resides, a safe and comforting place to call home.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga, balance, flexibility, grounded, health, mental health, online yoga, qigong, strength, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, Earth element

FLOW YOGA - Short, Strong & Sweaty

Read more A stronger flow to leave you feeling energised and strong. Practice this class in the morning or early afternoon. This class is not suited to beginners, some experience of yoga is required.

FLow Yoga

Flow yoga, yoga, energise, energy, health, morning yoga, online yoga, stability, strength, wellbeing, yoga class

FLOW YOGA - Happy Hips

Read more Maintaining flexibility and stability in the hip joints is vital for lower back health. It also helps to create an overall sense of ease and freedom in your entire body. Leave this class feeling free and light, yet strong and steady.

Flow yoga, balance, flexibility, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, hips

FLOW YOGA - Shoulder Stability & Flexibility

Read more Join this flow yoga class to help create a sense of ease in the shoulders, chest, upper back and neck, as well as stability and strength.

Flow yoga, flexibility, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, shoulders

FLOW YOGA - A Healthy Spine

Read more The health of your spine will literally affect your overall health and wellbeing. Join this flow yoga class to increase mobility and strength. Leave feeling strong, yet free and spacious.

Flow yoga, flexibility, online yoga, release, stability, strength, stretch, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, spine, spinal health


Read more Enjoy a good night's sleep after this gentle yoga sequence followed by a relaxing yoga nidra (guided meditation). Get your pjs on, grab a blanket and get ready to relax!

Flow yoga, online yoga, release, stretch, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, yoga nidra, sleep well

ENERGISING FLOW - For busy people

Read more This short class is perfect to start your day or to give you a boost of energy in the afternoon. Some flow yoga experience is recommended. Ditch the coffee and join this class!

Flow yoga, flexibility, stability, strength, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, online yoga, morning yoga, energise

ENERGISING FLOW - Full Body & Playful

Read more This playful and fun flow will work the full body to create strength, stability, space and balance. This is the perfect class to start your day. Some experience of flow yoga recommended.

Flow yoga, yoga, yoga class, online yoga, strength, stability, flexibility, balance, yoga subscription

ACU YIN YOGA - Face your Fear

Read more Incorporating acupressure and yin yoga to help face your fears with confidence. Fear is a natural response, but if we allow fear to take over it can lead to overwhelm for body/mind. Join this yin class with a restorative feeling if you're in need of nourishment and also to help you create a sense of courage and ability to face whatever life offers your next.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, acupressure, balance, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, online yoga, release, stretch, spinal health, yoga class, yin yoga, wellbeing, yoga subscription

ACU YIN YOGA - To Support Mood Swings

Read more Integrating acupressure and yin yoga to help balance mood swings. This beautifully calming class has a restorative nature helping to soothe body-mind-spirit.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, emotions, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meridians, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga subscription, acupressure

YIN YOGA - To support low back health

Read more Join this yin yoga class to target the low back. Low back pain is extremely common and in this class you will explore different poses and modifications to help feel freedom and space in the low back.

yin yoga

flexibility, health, mobility, online, online yoga, release, spine, stretch, yin yoga, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - Feel Awake & Alive

Read more Have you ever tried yin yoga in the morning or midday? This class offers a wonderful opportunity to experience a yin yoga practice specifically designed to awaken and enliven the body while creating a calm and peaceful mind. Experience Four Part Taoist Breathing and some poses which require a little more effort. Feel alive and ready for the day!

yin yoga

balance, energise, energy, flexibility, health, joint health, mental health, meditation, morning yoga, online yoga, release, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - I am Grounded, Safe & Connected

Read more A yin yoga practice to support the first chakra, Muladhara, also known as The Root. Leave feeling grounded, safe and at home in your own body.

yin yoga

energy, flexibility, joint health, meditation, mental health, online yoga, release, sleep well, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, chakras, muladhara chakra, root chakra

YIN YOGA - Restore and Renew

Read more A yin yoga practice to restore, rejuvenate and relax you. Targeting the major meridian lines (energy pathways) in the body and moving the spine through all 6 movement patterns. This class is sealed with a beautifully calming guided meditation.

yin yoga

Chinese Medicine, energy, flexibility, health, meditation, meridians, release, sleep well, stretch, wellbeing, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - Immunity Boost

Read more Leaving behind the expansive energy of summer and the Earth energy of late summer to slowly shift focus to the metal element; The time of rising yin, appreciation, inspiration and letting go. Physically focusing on the upper body, while energetically focusing on the meridians of lungs & large intestine to build immunity. Practice this class at any time of year for an immunity boost and to have the courage to meet the ever flowing ups and downs in life with love & acceptance.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, sleep well, stretch, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, immunity, health, wellbeing

YIN YOGA - A Calm & Tranquil Heart

Read more A yin yoga class to create a tranquil environment for the Heart to feel nourished. Physically targeting the upper body including opening the chest and shoulders. Loosen the grip, soften your heart and feel peacefully calm.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, sleep well, stretch, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, heart

YIN YOGA - Balancing Emotions

Read more A practice to support the Wood element, targeting the Liver & Gallbladder meridian lines (energy pathways). Physically targeting the inner legs and side body, particularly hips. Create an easy going inner environment and be ready for whatever life has to offer you next.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, stretch, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription, emotions

WALL YIN - Release & Relax

Read more Join this 1 hour wall yin class to feel release, relaxed and revitalised.

yin yoga

yin yoga, Chinese Medicine, stretch, release, yoga, online, joint health, mental health, mobility, online yoga

WALL YIN - Short & Sweet

Read more Enjoy this short wall yin yoga sequence which is ideal to prepare you for a good night's sleep.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, stretch, yin yoga, yoga, yoga class, yoga subscription

YIN YOGA - Feel Centred & Connected

Read more A practice to support the Earth element. Physically targeting the front lines of the body, while energetically creating a sense of stability and feeling centred.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, release, yin yoga, stretch, yoga, yoga subscription, yoga class

YIN YOGA - Reset & Recharge

Read more A practice supporting the Water element. Physically targeting the back and inner legs. Restore your vital energy and feel full of potential.

yin yoga

flexibility, online yoga, yin yoga, yoga, stretch, release, yoga subscription

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